Looking for sponsors for our inner-city non-profit youth team “Prime UB” with Tj Jones, James Bills, Omar Washington and Deion Sanders. Great opportunity to be part of a push to help promote athletes from inner-cities that struggle financially to compete in the sports world with those that are more fortunate by playing in events as such as The Base and The Future Stars Series. Lots of great sponsor packs and promotional opportunities for your business as well as getting to see young men have that chance to go to college on a scholarship eventually turning his missed opportunities into success. We even have a package where you can sponsor a kid and follow him thru his growth in everyday life. Please text me at 512-680-5645, inbox me or email me at jamesbills@silverstonesports.com. Can’t wait to team up with you and make a positive impact with our youth.
Want to Make a REAL Difference for the Next Generation?
Updated: Jul 31, 2019